
I kinda realize that my life could be more fulfilled. I am super lazy person and it takes me a lot of effort to do anything. But whenever I see an air ticket I evolve into the beast. I have trouble with waking up, with focusing… but whenever I leave my comfort zone I change. It really doesn’t matter how I leave my comfort zone. I guess even if I built the tent couple of km from my dorm, the feeling of satisfaction would still come.  And that’s something I live for. It helps me to understand myself better.

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Back in Vaduz

I had an awesome summer and I wanted to write this post weeks ago but I simply didn’t have enough thoughts to share.

To somehow continue my last post, I have to describe my time in Prague. I loved it. I was super busy for a whole weekend and I enjoyed every single minute with people I value the most. At the end of my stay in Prague I finally met my friends from and we continued to my home town – Velke Pavlovice. And to be truly honest it was a never-ending party. I guess you all can imagine how it was in South Moravia, but if you need a hint: the morning wasn’t very nice.

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First time.

Myslím, že nastal ten správný čas. Již od počátku studia v Lichtenštejnsku si pohrávám s myšlenkou, že bych měl začít psát anglicky. Jednak protože mám spoustu známých po celém světě a potom je tím důvodem angličtina samotná. Jsem zvyklý mluvit, dokážu se bavit o čemkoliv, ale psaní zkrátka není na takové úrovni, jak bych si představoval. A toto je jedinečná možnost jak si psaní jaksi procvičit. Tím také prosím o toleranci.

Don’t worry I am not going to share my first sexual experiences as you might think because of the title :). I named this post “First time.” Because it is actually first time I am writing a public article in English.

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